Song of the Sea – recap

Having watched Song of the Sea my first thought was what a fitting start to my journey through film. Song of the sea is a film lovers film, made for art and a story that must be told not made to make an executive a billion dollars. Song of the Sea was such a beautiful animation, often whimsical and occasionally emotional ride. after all that love I do have to note that it’s fair to say that the middle section could do with a fair bit of editing down but hang on the ending is worth the wait.

What really makes Song of the Sea such a winning and delightful film is its focus on the two siblings, the use of traditional music, and the stories within the story. Ben is the keeper of his mum’s stories (all of which are true, we learn), and Saoirse is the keeper of the song that will set the fairy spirits free from their imprisonment. It may sound a bit complicated, but in the context of the movie, even young kids will understand what’s going on and how the various stories interconnect. In the end, this is a lovely Irish film about a brother and sister, a girl who finds her voice, and the legacies parents leave behind for their children.

My Review 8/10

Hello World

This blog exists as a companion to my journey watching the best films in the world. I will do this by every Friday watching a film from Internets Movies Data Base (IMDB) top 250 films. This is a journey for me but it is always nice to have companions so I thought I would create this and it might pick up a few friends along the way.

Each Monday I will post this weeks film and a trailer then watch it on Friday and offer my review. It would be nice to hear your views of the films as well. Hopefully along the way we will have some guest blogs and events.

Bye for now,
